
The Darkness Under the Cloak of Silicon Valley

Satan Roams the Earth Seeking Those He Can Destroy, He Found Fertile Ground in Silicon Valley

On the surface, Silicon Valley is filled with rich Tech Bros, a bunch of nerds and loads of coffee. Underneath the coding innovations and megabucks is a dark, evil secret underbelly of seductive traps, allurements and Lapidarian rituals where those entangled in the web can rarely escape. So says Cregg Lund, a Silicon Valley powerhouse and author of SILICON SATAN, a book based on his experiences with the true demonic world underneath the veneer of Silicon Valley.

Mr. Lund was recently attacked, so his wife, Corinne Lund, talked about the book and Cregg's story with Dr. Jerome Corsi on The Truth Central.
Warning: Aspects of the book and this interview may not be suitable for children under 18. Parental discretion is advised.

Silicon Satan is available here https://www.siliconsatan.com/

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