been following you since World Net daily ( I even sent my dad an annuual subscription ) but I am semi retired now and can't afford to subscribe - recommend to those who can
Put on the Armor of God. It’s frightful to hear someone speak about the darkest of darkness. That the book was “toned down” speaks volumes. Others, like Aug Tellez and Donald Marshall also spoke of these same atrocities but none had Dr. Corsi to guide them. Many tried to spread the word save the children. Twitter has yet to restore my censored account.
Corinne is God's angel sent to organize the pieces of this man and patch him back together. Take back everything the dark energies stole, tricked and manipulated away from you, Chris! They won’t be wearing pieces of your skin on their jacket lapels. Appreciate your candor to be cautious. Donald Marshall despised The Rock Dwayne Johnson and others who he said tormented him in the cloning DUMBS during REM sleep.
The Most High has Divinely Appointed Donald John Trump. He is PRISTINE. Maybe DJT is working off a debt to repay for his mistakes too. We all must make attrition. Saying sorry isn’t enough. Writing a book isn’t enough. Dr. Corsi is right. The light dispels darkness.
Power hungry evil doers believe the Father of Lies that they’ll live eternally. Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Dianne Emile Feinstein how that promise worked out for them.
Thank you, sir for exposing the so-called elites. “It’s big and wide and everywhere.”
Those filthy demons crave God’s most precious and innocent through satanic rituals is mind numbing. Inexcusable monsters are still walking around after being exposed.
Dr. Corsi, you're willing to go where others dare tread. God Bless you for being a safe haven for this man and many others.
btw. I’m still subscribed but removed my account from auto-renew.
Thank you Dr Corsi for bringing these things to the normies. We need to spread the word about these demons, Hollywood and politicians involved as well.
God Bless, shield and protect us all from the evil. May it continue to be eradicated from all of space and time on every level. God Always Wins!
been following you since World Net daily ( I even sent my dad an annuual subscription ) but I am semi retired now and can't afford to subscribe - recommend to those who can
Put on the Armor of God. It’s frightful to hear someone speak about the darkest of darkness. That the book was “toned down” speaks volumes. Others, like Aug Tellez and Donald Marshall also spoke of these same atrocities but none had Dr. Corsi to guide them. Many tried to spread the word save the children. Twitter has yet to restore my censored account.
Corinne is God's angel sent to organize the pieces of this man and patch him back together. Take back everything the dark energies stole, tricked and manipulated away from you, Chris! They won’t be wearing pieces of your skin on their jacket lapels. Appreciate your candor to be cautious. Donald Marshall despised The Rock Dwayne Johnson and others who he said tormented him in the cloning DUMBS during REM sleep.
The Most High has Divinely Appointed Donald John Trump. He is PRISTINE. Maybe DJT is working off a debt to repay for his mistakes too. We all must make attrition. Saying sorry isn’t enough. Writing a book isn’t enough. Dr. Corsi is right. The light dispels darkness.
Power hungry evil doers believe the Father of Lies that they’ll live eternally. Ask Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Dianne Emile Feinstein how that promise worked out for them.
Thank you, sir for exposing the so-called elites. “It’s big and wide and everywhere.”
Those filthy demons crave God’s most precious and innocent through satanic rituals is mind numbing. Inexcusable monsters are still walking around after being exposed.
Dr. Corsi, you're willing to go where others dare tread. God Bless you for being a safe haven for this man and many others.
btw. I’m still subscribed but removed my account from auto-renew.
Woow what a journey. God bless you both Sirs ... I so love what you do for the KIngdom
Thank you Dr Corsi for bringing these things to the normies. We need to spread the word about these demons, Hollywood and politicians involved as well.