
Plagiarism in Academia

The Decline of Academic Integrity and Leadership with Dr. Carol Swain

Claudine Gay’s resignation on January 2, 2024, as Harvard University’s first Black president, after both her evasive answers to questions about antisemitism on the university's campus under her watch and an exposing of her plagiarism throughout her career.

Dr. Carol Swain, one leading academic whose work Gay copied, talks with Dr. Jerome Corsi on The Truth Central about the prevalence of plagiarism, how it has been ignored in many cases and how university leadership has been tainted by not only the recent antisemitism allowance exposes, but what some might call an epidemic of these same leaders committing and getting away with plagiarism.
Dr. Carol Swain is the author of The Gay Affair: Harvard, Plagiarism, and the Death of Academic Integrity , which you can pick up via Amazon:

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