As to be expected in hindsight and in the continuing exposure that is surfacing by the day. Once can only imagine that if the actual votes were proportionally allocated accurately, how much of the real Too Big To Rig Landslide really was.

Nonetheless the MAGA movement is in full steam ahead mode, smashing through all obstacles along the way, effectively & efficiently with incredible results!!!

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This is such amazing work. Keep on going!

Jerome - I would love to hear from you whether there is any push by Republicans to pass a Voter Integrity law that will clean up all the areas of fraud, such as:

1) Cleaning up the census so it does not count illegal immigrants to clean up the allocation of votes in the country

2) Clean up the news media organization biased coverage of elections

3) Force identification be presented by all voters

4) Have in-person, same day voting, make it a national holiday . mail in ballots only for people who request it for an election and it must be requested again for each subsequent election. No automatic mail-out of ballots.

Realizing the JFK assassination was either executed or covered-up by the intel agencies and media helped me to understand the depth and length of this corruption.

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There were a lot more people watching in 2024. True The Vote folks were even able to monitor votes in real time to spot lumps of fake votes coming in. I think they could monitor the voter rolls too and see if dead people etc were voting. Legal people could come in at a moments notice, sheriffs called. And Lindell had some device that monitored if the voting machines were connected to the internet. People were watching for ballots coming in the night. Many drop boxes were removed. In 2020 Zuckerberg money was funding people to come in and take over voting processes and were blatantly fixing ballots with same color pen and other illegal things. They had people out harvesting votes. 2024 Charlie Kirk people were in the neighborhoods. THey paid for hotels. So I think deep state could not do what they did in 2020 (with truckloads of fake ballots coming in at night, or the 2000 mules dropping off ballots during the night).

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There were a lot more people watching in 2024. True The Vote folks were even able to monitor votes in real time to spot lumps of fake votes coming in. I think they could monitor the voter rolls too and see if dead people etc were voting. Legal people could come in at a moments notice, sheriffs called. And Lindell had some device that monitored if the voting machines were connected to the internet. People were watching for ballots coming in the night. Many drop boxes were removed. In 2020 Zuckerberg money was funding people to come in and take over voting processes and were blatantly fixing ballots with same color pen and other illegal things. They had people out harvesting votes. 2024 Charlie Kirk people were in the neighborhoods. THey paid for hotels. So I think deep state could not do what they did in 2020 (with truckloads of fake ballots coming in at night, or the 2000 mules dropping off ballots during the night).

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The CIA is being sanitized…

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