If that were true, why did they steel the down ballots? Why is nobody checking for hidden algorithms? How could you prove it to regular voters, or judges? We need a simple system that everybody can understand. Same day voting on paper ballots.

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While criminal, hidden algorithms are indeed being used 24/7 by democrat party stealth operatives, the major reason democrats get away with rigging elections is via illegal voter registrations using UNDELIVERABLE ADDRESSES where BALLOTS are either mailed and harvested by corrupt NGOs, or those undeliverable address registrations are used to print counterfeit ballots which are either mailed or dropped off in ballot boxes and election offices. So it’s primarily about illegal ballots that are cleverly used by democrats to rig local, state and now federal elections. They were successful in rigging four Senate races in 2024 but were stopped from the 5th (Pennsylvania). They were deterred from rigging the popular vote due to the RNCs and AFLs very effective messaging to every election supervisor in the country that there will be severe penalties for voter fraud. Go to StopBogusBallots.com and Omega4America.com for further illustration.

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The very idea that a select entity of persons that both control election results and who also control who is “allowed to run” as a candidate in any election is very disturbing to say the least. That a cabal or Deep State has this power makes any attempt to vote legally and then accepting the results as honest, is a complete fantasy

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They tried, many things in place ahead of time to prevent the steal.

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NO pandemic, and too many GOP poll watchers

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Interesting information. Living here in Arizona, I always wondered how someone rigged the2020 election. I know we lost a lot of Americans to Covid and votes we not verified correctly, people voting for dead people and voter harvesting in nursing homes, prisons, door to door which was even done in the 2024 election. Also non citizens being registered to vote. This was verified by Governor Hobbs that 100,000 to 200,000 non citizens were registered to vote in Arizona. They are supposedly working on the fix. Well if they get a drivers license, it is a matter of checking a box. 😳😱

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They tried and failed. Too big to rig.

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There was a lot of people working on the way to reduce voter fraud. Mike Lindell , owner of My Pillow, has suffered a lot of financial losses because of his work exposing all the corruption. We should all be supporting My Pillow.

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Although I cannot locate my source (yet), I have heard on an anti-communist educational film made in the 50s or 60s, communists rig elections and will occasionally allow a win on the other side. Keep in mind these were some of the greatest chess players. When they allow a win it is only to gain positional advantage. It may be done to reduce suspicion in the minds of their opponents.

We must remain vigilant if we wish to keep our freedoms.

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The revelation of the algorithms is that elections weren’t fair, which many voters suspected.

Time to clean up the process, which might require that those involved with corruption of elections are convicted and serve time.

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Really DOESNT matter what these criminal politicians or invaders do- FuC them!

All we need is Advanced VRS CELL PHONE ID WITH BIO- GATE & GPS




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Perhaps it's not the Democrats who orchestrate election fraud per se. Rather it may be technocrat/transhumanist IT and AI developers who have learned that they need buy in from Republican and independent grass root acceptance to their hegemony. What better way to harness MAGA energy to achieve their ends than to hitch their wagon to a demagogue complete with useful nationalistic jingoism?

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