It's an amazing book! I highly recommend it.

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May 15·edited May 15

General Smedley Butler fingered the oligarchs (Rockefeller, DuPont, ie) behind the FDR coup. They came back for JFK with friends in the CIA, Dulles, Angelton, Bush, LBJ, Hoover, Ike, and the MIC, Mossad, mafia, with the Zionist monopoly 4th Estate, education, and law for the coverup and the Israeli bomb.

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My JFK facts: 13 shots fired that day 5 assassins, 2 assassins in the Pergola behind Zapruder seen in the Moorman Foto one fired the fatal head shot seen in the Nix film all the facts can be backed up by foto - and film material. Best Rick

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